Okay the time has come and gone, and I must admit it wasn't really that amusing to me. Kyle is hilarious and I bet all my $$ that if I was there in person I probably wouldve pissed in my pants. Cause I typically laugh at any and everything! It wasn't really funny because of the "negros" and "slave" ish towards a black person from a black person..otherwise it was funny cause it was so unexpected but it was a bunch of shit popping off..how can somebody live in a house full of snitches like that? Tiffany, and paul...allison scary ass writting love warning letters..what I tell yall in the last post them chicks is lezbos! Somethings fishy in there & no Kyle its not Katheryns Puss lol..or is it? :-/
But here's some quotes I typed fast enough in my curve to share with you who. For those who haven't seen it lol..
Kyle 2 Allison: "If this wouldve been last week I wouldve went up stairs got both yall stuff & treated U 2 like a nasty negro!"
Kyle speaking to Chris, Milan & Tiffany (after the letter): "It'll be a waiting till exhale moment"
(Kyles alter ego) Keyshia: "This bitch is back for one nite only"
Tiff "Ima hella mad I'm finna miss everything cause I know kyles gon get in they ass"
Milan "This is going to be hilarious"
Keyshia (Kyle): "She better bring her ass home"
Chris: "Show times ladies & gentlemen show time"
Keyshia (kyle alter ego): "At the end of the day you put my money in the motha fuckin microwave you slave ass bxtch" lol
Keyshia (kyle alter ego): "8:45 down to 9 mins give me my money bxtch thought u was gon get off that easy bitch please"
Keyshia (Kyle alter ego): "Put that shit n the motherfuckin microwave where u found my ribs over n done"
Chris: "Kyle just told katheryn to put the money in the microwave and she did it..whatt? Aha"
* so that's my opinion and some quotes, watch if your in to that kind of stuff..OVER & DONE << lol..
PS. Paul need not wear that ponytail with that old ass Omarion ass line up in the front lol..
And tiffany please don't be one of them tv Hos who sleep with roomates and keep they man. Not a good look.
And Kay how you gon like somebody who snitched on you? Do hood ass Paul know what happens to snitches??