So guys this is my new guilty pleasure, THE BURRIED LIFE! The best damn thing since "The Barkers" in my opinion!
I have only seen 2 episodes (both on saturday) I am convinced & was since I heard the opening. You guys really have to watch it & let me know your honest opinions! I think its BRILLIANT it makes me want to go out & actually LIVE MY LIFE!! Yesss, I totally cried when I first saw the show because the object & intro is soooo touching! KUDOS, to these 4 boys ;)
So here is the object of the show, they live by "What do you want to do before you die?" and basically made a long list to accomplish. Everything from winning a date with your fave celebrity or simply sharing a beer with a homeless couple. Each task is planned in a city/state (not the same) and with every task they complete they turn around and help a stranger with something they would like to do before they die! Pretty cool right?
I have seen the "break into a playboy party" where they helped a teach buy a decent computer for his Los Angeles Elementary classroom! It was super cool because they didn't have any $$$ so they break danced & did a street show to buy a new Apple Desktop.
& yesterday I seen the "make a toast at a strangers wedding" where they helped a painter find his son who was 2yrs old at the time him & his wife divorced. The boy is now 19 & it was amazing cause they found his college roommate & actually got his father to talk & meet up with his son 17yrs later!
So to all my readers I have one question for yall "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE?!"