I decided to do this post in this color because it seemed the closest to the Jackson's Funeral color. I started off as recording the service just for my grandmother. I am not an emotional person, I try to handle things inside before I let them out (If I let them out) but I enjoyed this service. From waiting outside the funeral home with CNN to watching the looooooooooooooooooong line of Royce's and Cadillacs make their way to the staple center. I also enjoyed the worldwide videos from Paris, to Harlem, and even other places in California. It was nice to see kids who know nothing about THE JACKSON 5 or THE JACKSON FAMILY but what they see in the media now or even by watching the movie show emotions for the passing. It was such a tragic day not only in music but in life.
The whole service was interesting and pleasing to me..from seeing smokey twice, to John Mayer, and Martin Luther King III. Although the most touching part for me was the end. Usher would have been touching if I didn't already know it was coming. I know how big of a fan he is and I was preparing myself for the worst, but it wasn't that bad. I also enjoyed how the family was very family oriented during the memorial giving each performer a hug as they exit the stage. Also another thing I liked was that even if the family chose not to be a family with JOE people still acknowledge that it was Michael's father. Marlon by far had me in tears from his Witty humor to his powerful request..man that REQUEST!!! :'( it really touched me and Paris was also brave to speak.
Me personally I love Michael because, he is somebody I want to be. I always said if I was blessed everyone who needs it will be too. I enjoyed him no matter how harsh the media got, nobody change the fact that he was about the people. I dont believe he would ever harm young boys because he loved people he was a young boy deep inside. Sorta like Britney, people who have to become grown at a young age still have a certain urge to break loose and do what they have never. Britney and Michael were never crazy or strange they were simply having fun the best way they knew how. How he gave back and kept giving back even when he was in debt it didnt matter as long as he knew some child would have what he didnt have, a second chance at being a kid. Overall right now the whole world has a certain feeling...sort of like the world is coming to an end...but its NOT!! Michael has left but it does not mean that what he started has to be done, we need to finish and let him and god know we do cherish our time here.
Good bless the Jackson's.
AWWW I missed it do you know where I can see it?
Theres alot of people who have it on UTUBE or got to msncb I believe thats the name of the channel I was on :-/ sorry
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