I know her name is dashian, but I put fashian because she is slowly but surely turning into a fashion icon. When I first started to watch the kardashians I could not stand Kim at all, I would kill myself if at some point I agreed with her. The show made her seem very rude and self centered! I wont lie all 3 (the girls) can be rude towards their mother at any given time. But I did find myself watching the show when I couldn't sleep 0r when nothing else was on & Kim actually wasn't always rude, always full of herself yes but she was nice & showed she had feelings at times. One time I remember was when khloe gets arrested sure self loving Kim takes pics of her self, but in the end she gave khloe big sister advice & I loved it. But enough with the show I'm going to say shockingly shes slowly starting to grow on me..Fashion wise. ILHer! Shes teaching me more and more how to be a lady. Every one who really knows me should know I'm a die hard Rihanna fan since 2005, she helped me to embrace my height. But Kim is teaching more and more how to embrace your body and to flatter it with clothing. Compliment your curves//best assets I should say!
Below is Kim at the launch of DJ HERO: I actually did this similar look in my 2nd quarter @ FIDM (I'm going into my 4th)!! For my look I had the cut Blue jeans (I did myself :]) and rolled them up till under the knee. I wore a Gold ruffle no sleeve blouse to give the boy look a little more "pizazz". And added Gold sandals and a black & White checkered blazer to top it off. I like this look a lot and seeing how Kim just mixed 3 colors and made it work fine opens up my mind to the "more=less" thing.
Another thing I love rihanna for is that unlike most celebrities she wear her clothes more than once (not the same way of course). But Kim does it too, (apparently) here she is wearing her pants and giving them an even hotter flava. Tan, White, & Black will always look flawless together and any and mainly everything goes with blue jeans. I think the best thing about this outfit is the lower half or the shoes, they are really the focus piece. Although this whole outfit is timeless its street chic. The vest also gives the piece the extra touch if she didn't compliment the focus of the outfit (the shoes) than this would look ordinary.
I like this look recently at the MMAA! Black and White are two classic colors, Black is know to slim a figure and white is to flatter a figure. This outfit flatter her bust and hips but the black belt was perfect to give a slim affect around the waist. One thing I didn't like was the fact that she looks VERY VERY tired!! Maybe its her make-up or she had a late night partying session with Reggie.. But i love a natural look on anybody but she looks so tired, GET SOME SLEEP DOLL!! The no earrings & necklace tends to bring the attention straight to her gorgeous face & that make up she wears I always love lol. It also brings more attention to the work of art she is wearing, very stunning. But I would have added some studs the same color as her bracelet it would bring MORE attention to her face and top off the outfit perfectly.
In the good name of Michael Jackson! lol everybody from Rhianna to Beyonce is rocking shoulder pads so why cant Kim?! What I like most about this is that she is out of her comfort zone! No dress, No skirt, it looks un Kim'ish.. Hot but not her at all! One thing I don't like about this outfit is that there is soooooooooo much black ahhh! I love black but OMG your so pretty you need to add more.. What I would have done to not make her lower half blend so much in was to have her shoes match her jacket w/ both colors or just the silver would have been fine. But the outfit over all is fly.
I'm not a fan of Kim's tight pony I never am I don't know it always gives her a weird look with her high cheek bones as if she cant blink or move. But what I am a fan of is her make up & earring! Not to sound super corny right now but please just kidnap me and do my make up. The earring is a classic because it does not distract from the face or the outfit itself but it a conversational piece. Some people when dressing tend to add EXTRA! "oh i need a necklace with this earring and bracelets" everything isn't necessity! You have to learn to flatter your body & clothes. And this look brings all the attention to the face, where it should be when you are on camera or giving a speech. She looks flawless!
And of course a Kim post would not be a Kim post with out her signature. TIGHT GLOVE DRESSES! OMG! This look will never grow old on her it simply is her, I don't know if she favors the look herself or if a stylist is shooting her these but they make her her. Simply because she is known for her butt and this adds to the butt! It shows the world what she has and to me it makes her seem powerful. I remember when she was shy about her body and it was kind of like okay you wear these dresses but you're scare to wear a swimsuit? C'mon Kimberly! You were made for this! The only thing I would change about this outfit is the shoes & purse combo or the necklace!! This outfit is too distracting..with the bright colored dress, than the big gold necklace, and than tan/cream shoes & purse w/ snake skin it looks like? You have to have a focal point, where do you want eyes to go first and focus more on flattering that part of you.
Hey yall I'm going to start something new today! And its called drum roll please [dun.. dun.. dunnn!] ;] "Kim KarFASHian"! At the end of any Kim Kardashian post there will be a poll where you can vote on a style! The top 2 or 3 will than be re posted in a post called "Kim KarFASHian" where I will give you the cheaper but same stylish look with tips! So watch out for the next post with Kim's top styles!