Is what their big banner said as I waited in line at the meat store for my granny & mom. "She wants 3Lbs chicken wings & 6 Legs" simple right and so clean looking! Next wasn't so lucky my mom wanted ground beef but there was none sooo they made it FRESSHH! The lady pulled out a big fat square block of meat wrapped in plastic and unwraps it and starts to cut the meat ughh and a big trail of blood gushes out and starts to form a big blood puddle sooo sad! It sat there soo long I had to take a picture of it! It disgusted me..
Poor cow :'(
Poor mom
What happens to her kids?
Poor dad
What happens to his life?
Poor child
What happens to their dreams?
And ughh its sooo American of us to eat MEAT I feel so damn violated! & sooo disgusted! I feel so bad to have tortured that animal and to have had it killed for our dinner or anybody else's.
I will be looking into vegetarianism!
& hopefully I can say PROUDLY next week that I am a Vegetarian!
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