Wow, so as sleepy as I was last night I just had to do it!! I got off work @ 4:3O and got home like @ 5 something...alllllll that time and literally nothing to do!! So I flipped through the fucking channels.. I don't know it didn't feel like a Sunday but the TV reminded me that it was, so after a couple of hours watching Family Guy re-runs and 1 episode flipped between Paris Bff and Real Chance I tried to sleep. Only problem was that it just freshly turned 8 and I knew that if I slept there was no getting back up for I set my blackberry alarm but took it off because I ended up staying up!
9:OO pm - Britney night begins with Britney spears countdown!
Ohh yeahh how smashing mate? We got to see some dope ass performances but the one and only Queen, and its hella funny because I saw all that shit! I didn't know how long ago that was they showed stuff from 98 and I was like oh yeah I remember that one and O1 oh yeah that's no satisfaction! What the hell in 98 I was 9yrs old, and the first CD I ever brought and ever thought about buying with my $$$ was Britney Spears Hit me baby. And that CD still get rotation till this day, I remember we had a sleep over and we had to do karaoke and they made me sing Britney Spears Sometimes. I am soo telling you that Britney started my whole music itch, and I love her and always will for that. Her whole "moment" was nothing to me I never stopped caring I even made IWILLSAVEBRITNEY (dot) com for the fans to support and I'm so happy she is close out the memory segment Britney herself introduced the documentary..
1O:OO pm Britney : For the Record
Soo I got all geared up thinking its gonna be like The Hills you get into some juiced than its a commercial break...WRONG!! It was commercial free soo they said until like 1hr through it seems they showed Britney two commercials and was back in...
1 Fame is nothing to wish for, in my opinion its always been that way. I would love to live out my dreams without the attention, its flattering but to an extinct..but watching the show it was like 4O - 6O paparrazi on Britney at all times!! On bikes on top of buildings looking into her backyard yelling around her cussing and shit...Now I know why Jamie Lynn beasted on them bitches (when Britney was having a meltdown) about her sister, when they were leaving Starbucks!! because they are tooooo outta control and people think she can control them buut she CANT the $$$ controls them and the money = pictures of Britney! It's kind of crazy and mind bl0wing to see that a person is actually trapped inside their own life..It's like that fucking Lab Rat they keep running test on and flashing lights while he is going through the motions of the doctors different medicines
2 Soo she definitely explained that she wasn't in her right mind. Kevin basically used her to become Famous and make weak ass rap songs and basically get his name FYI: K-fed. He abandoned her and her dream home she built in Malibu had become broken... she didnt want to be there because they were there!! it's sort of like me and my ex we broke up so of course I changed and wanted to be away from what we had from getting tattoos to changing my cellphone it really is deep when you in love and it is sort of compelling and it takes over your soul. Because you dreamed of Snow White and the Prince you trusted in someone became best friends before lovers and on top of that they had kids so I can only imagine. But when she said that she shaved her head to start FRESSSHH I could understand that totally! It's just like a normal person to want to start over if they like this than you don't want to be that anymore because he isn't a factor anymore! And if he isn't caring about your emotions or you than why should you care about does take a while to overcome but trust me it feels a whole of a lot better once it's over, and you are on another level!
3 "Mann if she cries ima cry" and there it goes every time you get personally its bound to happen. CRYING, Britney explained that's she bored and she's hurting inside. Shit the girl can't step out side and walk a dog. There was this one part when she was trying to go inside of a building when she got there 4O or so paparazzi was there, 4O! So her driver stops the car and 2 other men get out to escort her the walk halfway to the door but the paparazzi is pushing soo bad they run her back in the car. It was crazy they were on bikes, they were CARPOOLING in SUV's on top of buildings looking into her photo shoots outside her house!! I wouldn't want to be at home either, she explained that she would take trips to New York and Mexico for like a week or so but had to leave because it began to hurt. "I love begin here but I can't stay to hurts...its like a dream your dreaming but than you wake up and your pissed that you woke damn why did I wake up?" Referring to her time in new york than wake up is her back in LA. Her dancer put it perfectly "the only time she has to her self is in 4walls..." And he also said "I am soo proud of her not because she is famous but because she is just like us and she has overcome" which I think we all are.
Ps. I just got to address this.. Lord knows and everybody I know, know I love Rihanna. I don't necessarily like Chris Brown the same but he AL right thanks to whoever writes his music..but these two heifers better leave Britney alone!! I saw the O7 Vmas when Rihanna was front row and laughing in Britneys face but than turn around and say "I think she did good, she had a lot of pressure on her..I would be scared too" type of shit. And last night they showed the O8 vmas where she won and award and Chris started rooting than start laughing and looked at Rihanna! They must don't know Britney runs this pop shit..I am sorry to burst yall bubbles boo boo's.
Circus is out tomorrow Dec. O2, 2OO8 on the Pop Queen's 27th Birthday make sure to pick it uppp!!
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