Wtf I am writing this from my blackberry on my bed...I am crying because the game just went off and it fucking hurted my heart!! For the heats to steal our game like that what the hell!! We are good our players don't suck its sad like we make it sooo close but never actually make it, wtf? Do we not have a miracle even with richardson we didn't actually make it...even with ellis we don't make it!! Davis nope still don't make it wtf?? This shit just pisses me off I wanna just run up to them and say I STILL BELIEVE cause with all this losing we are losing our team no more barnes no more davis no more pietrius and harrington wants out next I'm sure ellis will won't out for being punished or maybe even jackson whose to say our family is falling apart..and crawford it isn't your fault kid lupe (he looks like lupe fiasco to me lol) you did really good this game you all did brandan tariaf jackson watson andris crawford maggette!! Even the bench players even the coaches :) we need faith to overcome..
And to top it off don nelson himself said that we WON'T make it to the playoffs this year during a conference :'( I am soo sad like forreal yall we always fucking losing when can we be happy and have our rings and our golden smiles..
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