So today I left school early and was on the bart minding my own business when 3 African American boys I'd say about 8 - 12 whom look like they'd been train hopping from cart to cart stop in front of me...okay so what comes to mind?
Since I said African American they thugs?
Ooo no wait my personal face "watch them they up to no good"
They finna rob somebody?
"Excuse me miss would you like to give a donation to help my school basketball team go to the championship, its 5 - 20 dollars but god bless you I will take any donation"
Yes my bank is whipped out but wtf I'm from the worst of all worst slums in oakland and it seems that soo was these 3 boys . All the white people on the bart ignored and acted like they were deaf even on lady standing with a magazine stopped reading as if these boys were gon' jack her wallet out her dangling and open purse. Even a mixed black lady rejected to help she was a business suit leaving outdo san francisco I would believe she had more than I had. But yeah when he asks me to sign and realize he has no pen she let's him "Have" Hers? Once I helped the boys one other lady (white) decided to give.
The white man sitting next to me even ignored the kids ask for a pen and when I reached over his newspaper to give my $$ he continued to red it fucking dick ass! Another thing the kid was legit he waited in one spot until I signed his paper he didn't leave nor put my $$ in his pocket!
What I get out of Studying Buddhism : give with the thought of never getting back, for say the thought of giving and the blessing of their happiness and their success is your return. Expect great things not tangible, more like longer lifetivity and self value.. (Just my in take)
So I gave 5 dollars towards a 4th graders basketball championship and I also feel like a better person, support youth and our own cities is a big deal! Yeah I'm into fashion but I also wanna help the kids with my success! Opening up after school programs music buildings performing art schools all visual things..I care about the kids and seeing people from where I'm from succeed...I guess that's just me than?
And now when blogging this nigga gets irritated cause I'm typing on my blackberry its not my fault I donate and can still afford class :) more room for me...bitchassness die hard!!
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