Kids like me feel it is an common courtesy to get up and give every elder our seat if we are closer to the exit (so its not much walkin on their behalf) or if there are no more seats. But what happens if they make a big deal like "wtf I don't need your seat" believe me cali people are soo rude! When is it right or when is it wrong?
Once instance that just occurred : a black elderly man asked a white woman or girl (can't tell age because I am in the back of her) sitting in the handicap front seats if he could have her seat hes obviously tripping and her elder cause I don't believe he would ask an old woman to get up? She plays def and ask him 3OO thousands times huh? Like I took it as if she was in disbelief cause the common curtesy is to get up when you see an elder that's being polite right or showing your respect she as one didn't budge soo an african american woman got up and let him have her seat, wtf america.
Another instance that just took place :
I got on the bart and sat by the window and held my fidm bag in my lap leaving a seat occupied because it is PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION not my car or vehicle. The stop I got on wasn't crowded so an african american boy about my age (19) sat next to me. The next stop let 5 million people aboard the milbrane bart the guy next to me (such an respectful young man, I should've got his name) ask a white woman did she want to sit down she replies "no" I guess because the bart was too crowded and she wasn't in Dyer need of a seat (meaning she isn't crippled or elderly) when the next stop comes people get off and a seat becomes available She says "excuse me" to the white guy next to her (which is standing by my seat) and walks to the row in front of me (the empty seat) but an elderly man sits down before her so the guy next to me gets up an I ask her "do you want to sit down" she smiles and let out a small "yes" and she says "excuse me" and passes the white guy again to sit next to me. The guy standing up let out a sigh like "wtf hurry up an get situated" which would of been cool if it was his car or if he owned america or some other weak shit this woman obviously getting off work wearing heels and carrying a big ass designer bag almost weighing the same or more than her not saying that's an excuse but damn can you at least not be that obvious with being rude? There's better ways to express your angry - try blogging ;) . But seriously if you want to sit down get there early or shit get your own daMn car, cause its always said "ladies, first". But when the guy got off I told her "I'm sorry for pushing my buttons for so long and that I was blogging" and she was like "no that's cool what are you blogging about" and I said nonchalantly "about this whole bart situation and how rude he is" not caring if he was still there or not, and she said "yeah he was soo rude I thought he was going to get me" wtf america. How can you or why should you ever feel fear someone you dont know?
Also this fucking mind blowing idiot huffed and puffed because I guess he really wanted to sit down but an asian lady no older than her 2Os asked him if she could sit there instead of him sitting (which she just told me it was because she is pregnant, and you can actually see her baby bump!!) He "arrgg" and "grrr" at her like she was asking him for 1OOO bucks.. she told me that she was scared and thought she had did something which she hadn't she's carry bodies right now and the way the bart throw you and she respectfully asked notice how I said asked! Because most people won't, its sooo crazzyy! She said "I over heard you said you were blogging about this and I wanted to let you know that its because I'm pregnant" I was like "what? That fucking lame messed with you too?" And she replied "yes, I was scared that he was going to beat me up or something" wtf america.
Ass holes like this should really invest some bucks to supply there own transportation knowing that you are not friendly and that you have to sit smell and be friendly to almost 100 or more different kinds of people. We need a no Bitchassness Law foreal, there's no need life is short. And now and days the kids aint the ones acting up grown ups is too!
So with that said please, please! Let's teach our kids to pay all respect to people like Elders Pregnant woman or just people who looks like they have been having a stressful day. Even if they blow you off, at least you showed respect. Also don't be a bitch cause karma will find YOU!
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