Monday, October 27, 2008

* . Hudson family .

stop the press,
this shit is soo sad - show or give no mercy to the person behind this shit..
and god bless the two hudsons sisters cause i know it hit them the hardest their mother and child/nephew is losted as well as their brother...

WTF is the world comming to?

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good girl gone bad .
the cities filled w/them .

Hince the:
Glitter, Bullet .
Cutest, Bang .

Weekly Quote

"When I let go of what I am , I become what I might be ."- Lao Tzu

this is me

cali product . fidm student . music junkie . art lover . multi talent . tattoo addict . open to everything . world muse . buddha follower . married to laughing . vintage hunter .

Sum Gnarly Ishh!

My Twit World

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