no this isn't no wamu commercial or silly blog advertisement ! this is me yeeping with excitiment ! sadly that ryhmes and i feel totally good while saying it :] yesturday i had my FIDM interview and i must say i was EXTREMELEY NERVOUS ! i arrived a little bit late considering i was suppose to be there @ 13O and i caught the bus @ 123O and got off the bart @ 14O but i did arrive at 14O and had to take my placement test ehhh :-\ including ENGLISH [ yayyy ] and MATH [ booo ] and i sat in there soooooooo long taking my time and revising . the easy part to me was the ESSAY because this is truly a dream come true to me!! i want to be in that building in that class soooooooo much that the words just came out PERFECTLY!! as i sat in the room writting i kept think "ehh rejection" but i try to stay positive like "no! i want in!" who am i kidding?! when my advisor walked in she said "i don't know you might have to take JC math" sooo i was like that was her nice way in saying "sorry, sakura but your not ready" so i didn't take it tooo hard as i was lefted in the room sitting by i was transfered to another room we talked about a couple of things than i was left alone again for the 3rd time :-O the suspens was killing me!!
than it was that time ! as i walked next to my advisor as she gave me a little advice in the empty slighty lighted hallway all i can say was this is my FUTURE and there is no looking back!
but as i can say this is only my beginning! i got accepted so dreams do come true i am the happiest ive ever been to be going to school LOL and i will work my arse off and show improvements and a will/drive to be there!! and plus i got this pretty acceptance bag :] [ ill post pics when i get home today! ]
keep in mind : nothings ever promised to anyone . procrastinating only shows you how much you won't grow! be couragest and go out on a limb! life is a muse, Sakura :]
[ p.s. ima end every posting like rev runs morning txt`s so be prepared! ]
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